June 2013

27 June Andy Milne successfully defended his thesis ‘A computational model of the cognition of tonality’. His examiners were Prof Kevin McConway and Prof Elaine Chew (Queen Mary).

21 June 2013 Simon Holland gave a talk on ‘Haptic Technology For rhythm and balance’, and a participative demonstration of the Haptic Bracelets, as part of ESRC Seminar Series ‘Understanding technological inclusion in the context of diverse lives’.

2-3 June Several members of the Music Computing Lab give talks as part of Centre for Computing Research Annual Phd student Conference.

7 June Simon Holland gives Talk to Open University’s Pioneer Alumni on “The Haptic Bracelets: end-user appropriation of Music Technology”.

Simon Holland is appointed external PhD supervisor for Oliver Hodl, with lead supervisor Prof Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Vienna University of Technology.