July 2020

Despite Covid Restrictions, the Innovate-UK Funded HAPPIE Project runs a successful series of pilot evaluations with visually impaired designers to evaluate new haptic technologies designed as part of the project. The remote field experiments involves couriering a falcon haptic device and laptop to the participants in turn, while using a tablet, camera and teamviewer and specialised software for remote interaction.

Riasat Islam has paper accepted by JMIR Biomedical Engineering on wearable motion capture for healthy and post surgical gait tracking. lslam R, Bennasar M, Nicholas K, Button K, Holland S, Mulholland P, Price B, Al-Amri M. Nonproprietary movement analysis software using wearable inertial measurement units on both healthy participants and those with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction across a range of complex tasks: validation study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth (forthcoming). doi:10.2196/17872 http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/17872.

Noam Lederman and Simon Holland attend the excellently organised and memorable virtual NIME 2020.