Visitors / Interns

The Music Computing Lab runs a highly successful program for Visiting Research Students and Interns. Successful applicants attend daily at the Open University Campus in Milton Keynes to work on predefined research projects. Projects typically lead to a publication with the visitor as co-author. Visitors/students must at present be self-funding.

Prospective students may be excellent final year undergraduates, Masters students, or PhD students, or could have recently completed any of these levels. Broadly, candidates should have a strong interest in music and some musical skills, and should have experience in one other relevant area, which could be Music Computing, or HCI or Ethnography or Educational Evaluation, or Pervasive Interaction or Computer Science.

Candidates taking degrees at other universities which require them to work on project outside their institutions are welcome to apply. More generally, we welcome recommendations for likely candidates from researchers or teachers from relevant disciplines in university departments. Prospective visiting students or recent students are equally welcome to apply on their own behalf. Evidence of appropriate knowledge, skills and experience is needed.

Visiting studentships can generally run any time of the year. Placements are usually between two and four months long – but in some cases, visits as short as two week can be useful – though visits this short may not lead to a publication.

Prospective students or visitors interested in Music Computing are urged to contact one or more of the potential supervisors (see below) for informal discussions in the first instance.

Dr Simon Holland s.holland ‘insert-at-sign-here’
Dr Robin Laney r.c.laney ‘insert-at-sign-here’
Dr Janet van der Linden j.vanderlinden ‘insert-at-sign-here’

  • Formal applications should include a CV and covering note that summarizes
  • Evidence of appropriate knowledge, skills and experience for the specific studentship (after establishing this by informal discussions)
  • Why you want to undertake this studentship,
  • Why you think you would be a good candidate,
  • Telephone, email and postal contact details for two referees, at least one of whom must be able to comment on subject discipline specifics.