September 2016

Kurijn Buys presented his paper “Improving the stability of a hybrid wind instrument using two microphones” written with David Sharp and Robin Laney at the International Symposium on Musical and Room Acoustics in Buenos Aires, Argentina, ISMRA September 11-13, 2016.

Simon Holland was a co-chair of the 2016 Ubicomp Workshop along with Eirik Årsand, Nick Dalton, Dmitri Katz, Blaine Price, Clare Martin and Carl_Magnus: ‘Designing, Developing, and Evaluating the Future Internet of Personal Health’, Heidelberg, Germany, 12 September 2016.

External examining: Doon MacDonald’s successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic of “The Development and Evaluation of an Approach to Auditory Display Design Based on Soundtrack Composition”. Supervisor Tony Stockman. Examined at the Department of Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London 3 Sept 2016. Simon Holland was external examiner.